Ways to be good in public speaking

“Public Speaking” when we saw that words, the first thing that may baffle our mind would be standing in front of public to speak. That was mostly people tend to think about. However public speaking is not just only to be standing in front of crowds, it is more than what you could imagine. The fear of public speaking ranks number one in the minds of the majority of people. It is far above the fright of diseases or even death. For some proportion of people, they enjoyed the applause and after effects of successful speeches, but hated the nerves and stress that went with the delivery. It goes without saying, great content can be ruined by poor delivery. It is equally true that no amount of great tecniques will rescue bad content. You must develop both skill sets to deliver strong and convincing presentations. Some simple tips that I want to discuss here may improve your delivery in public speaking. The first is slow down. Take your time. It’s easy, right? We tend to speak quickly when we are in nervous situation. If you speak too quickly, people will see you as nervous and perhaps even unsure of the topic you are going to convey. Find a comfortable pace and practice. Just be careful that you are not too slow. Speak clearly is number two. When speaking in public, you need to exaggerate the way you enunciate words and pronounce your words correctly . What sounds clear to your ears, is muddy 30 feet into the room. If you are not sure how to say a word, don’t use it. Be especially careful with proper nouns. You will turn off the audience quickly if you mispronounce the name of their town in your introduction. There’s nothing that destroys your credibility as a speaker like a misused vocabulary. If you are unsure of the meaning of a word, look it up. If you can’t look it up, just leave it out. The utmost in public speaking is look at people. I have seen speakers stare at their notes, at the wall or even the floor but at those sitting in the room. Make eye contact with your listeners. That’s the most important but remember not to gaze at one person, but let your eyes work the room as they will feel you are trying to communicate with them. Facial expression, gestures and your postures also plays important role in ensuring a successful presentations. Work with your face, arms and perhaps your whole body and make sure you are free from lectern to place your notes. Get rid of it. It can be a large barrier between you and your audience. You will do a better job of communicating your passion for the topic as your barrier is gone. The best presentation you can give is the one you know so well, you don’t need any props to hold you up. It’s just you and the audience. But always keep in your mind practice makes perfect. Any presenter gets better through practice. Make these tips part of your preparation process and people are going to want to listen to you speak.

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